remember a couple of things I saw yesterday which I had wanted to
comment on. Well ok I really only remember one of them at the moment.
Kampala city centre is so crowded, people, taxi minibuses and boda bodas
all jostling for space on the roads and pavements, the latter of which
is already crowded with shops spilling their contents into the streets.
It all gets a bit crazy trying to get anywhere, and I've seen so many
people carrying all sorts of stuff in their arms and on their heads
while easily negotiating these streets, the most bizarre of which was a
man carrying about 10 large mattresses all wrapped in polythene and tied
together and carried effortlessly on his head. It was pretty amazing.
Especially the way he nipped in-between pedestrian and motor traffic
with seemingly no difficulty.
Anyway, today I have done pretty much nothing. I have finally managed to
install Open Office on my laptop so that I can sort out my budget
(Humphrey sent me an excel spreadsheet which I have to fill everything
in to) and make the catalogue for the museum. I have written up most of
my notes, but I seem to have come to a point where I can't be bothered
to write up any more, and I really just want to go to sleep, so I might
go and get my book out and sit and read for the rest of the evening.
Going through it again has refined my PLAN (yes Phil, much like the
cyclons I want to kill off and enslave the human race, starting by
cataloging earth's historical findings, in Uganda) which now consists of
hoping the storeroom is indeed completely empty by Monday, and removing
every single labelled box and putting them in piles in the adjoining
room. Not sure it'll work but it's worth a try anyway.
So other than that, today I woke up and had breakfast (my usual coffee
and toast) while checking my emails. Then I went and showered, although
that nice clean feeling didn't last very long. Once a layer of insect
repellent is applied you just don't feel the same. Then I sat with my
book in the comfy chair and read for a while, before ordering lunch. I
was really hungry for a while, but when I actually sat down to eat I
really had to force it down. If I hadn't have paid for it I would have
left half of it. I think it might be the heat but I just don't feel like
I can eat as much as I should be. Anyway, then during the afternoon I
messed around on the laptop a bit, wrote some postcards, and then tried
to sort out OpenOffice. Then I realised I had run out of postcards for
all the people I wanted to send them to, so went to see if the gift
shops were open today, but because it's a Sunday they weren't. :(
So then I did my washing, and came back to sit on the laptop, typing up
the catalogue and having a wandering mind every 5 seconds. I spoke to
Ceilidh online earlier on in the afternoon. I said I was feeling fine at
the time, peaceful, content and stuff, but that I was dreading getting
to work because it's just depressing me. And it has, I now just feel
lethargic and no longer peaceful and contented. Maybe if I can find a
well lit corner to read in I'll feel better. I could sit in my room I
suppose, but that isn't exactly comfortable, and it's so bleak in there
I don't want to spend too much time in there.
ooh, an ant just appeared from between the keys on my laptop. *sigh* I'd
best get that book quick then!
your conquest of the human race DEPENDS on... getting openoffice to work? If only I was there, like a portly bald Baltar, in your heed. I could whisper computer tips at you.